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A not-so-peppy Paola

 Hi there! We're back in business! First blog post of the month wooohoooo! 

I'm actually genuinely drained haha! But it's okay I'll push through :) It's been quite rough recently motivation-wise, so you won't get to read all that extra babble my working brain likes to just spit out for fun and my witty sarcasm, not to mention my exceptional entertainment skills... because my brain is quite fried! But still here we are... plain and simple just keeping up with my work! Onto the assignment let's go!

Technology standards! I chose the second grade because I'd love to teach elementary school kids! This specific standard talks about how students must use all of the knowledge they collected from pictures and words in digital texts/books in order to demonstrate their understanding of the story and its details. This standard leans towards, but is not limited to: online storybook readers, online poster creators, online comic strip creators etc. In my opinion, this seems like a wonderful way to ease children into getting familiarized with technology. Make it fun! Allow them to be creative! And though I don't feel particularly prepared to implement this standard because I have no experience teaching children anything educational whatsoever, I do feel like once I am accustomed to the teaching world it mustn't be that hard! You can have storybook time in class, have them write notes, and then make their own cool projects based off the story using digital apps and such!

Next up is teaching resources from CPALMS! Once again I chose second grade to stick to the same memo! The resource I chose revolves around connecting conversations! Students start off by listening to a story read aloud by the teacher, then they will participate in one big group discussion, elaborating on what their peers say, making comments to other people statements, but of course, staying on topic and following any rules implemented by the teacher. Participation is of vital importance in school... and I know that can be extremely scary for some kids, because I was one of them! I absolutely hated participating in school... I would turn as red as a tomato and my voice would quiver every time... but over the years, it got a bit better, because I was basically forced to participate, and if I didn't, I'd fail lol. Now I'm not saying I would use that certain pass or fail technique to get students to participate, because it isn't healthy to force anything upon anyone, especially young and vulnerable children like second-graders... but I would love to find a way to make participating feel safe, and judgement-free. Once kids voice their opinions, and see that their respectful peers are actually listening... they will feel heard, and feeling heard is the best! Plus getting to interact and talk in class makes things a bit more fun! Especially if it's a group discussion because kids can feel like they're part of something!

Nowadays being an efficient internet searcher is beneficial for all different careers! The internet could be every working person's best friend... of course if you know how to use it right. Teachers must be proficient internet searchers in order to find new modern-day ideas to implement into class, connect to other teachers, find quiz and project templates, reading guides... all sorts of things! The skills I have always primarily stuck to have been narrowing down my searches, and thinking clearly before I search! These go hand in hand, as you must think properly in order to get to a more specific thing you'd like to get into... rather than a generalized search... which will probably not lead you to what you are trying to find. 

That's it for this post. I promise to be a bit more cheery next time haha! I know the babbling was missed...

Thanks for tuning in! Ciao!


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