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What day is it again?

 Hello! I feel like it's been FOREVER since I've blogged! Huh. Weird. I find it so bizarre how I've literally just lost all perception of time over quarantine. A week feels like 3 days and 3 days can sometimes feel like a week! It's either that or I literally don't even know what day, or even month it is for that matter. Anyways... moving swiftly along!

Websites! I actually really enjoyed creating my website! It was the second one I had ever made, and though I am not the techiest person, and adjusting to new tools like Weebly can take a bit of time for me, I love being creative and just designing in general! So I found this assignment to be oh so resourceful! I loved being able to center my website around something I'm very experienced with, that being Dance, therefore I was able to make the website as professional as possible taking after my dance teachers in high school of course, and all of the things they did for our class, like assignments, events, and what not! After getting to know it a bit, Weebly was super easy to use, which made facilitated the creation of an efficient class website! The one thing I struggled with a bit was learning how to embed my creative commons and google calendars... but I got the hang of it in the end, and I think my website turned out to be pretty great! My dream job is to work within the entertainment industry, preferably a publicity position of the sort, and with that, comes a lot of media managing, which could possibly include website building for advertising. Whatever it is... it's extremely important for all publicists to be familiarized with all kinds of websites and online tolls because after all, their job pretty much relies on the internet and getting things out there! Here's my website!

Now about Diigo! I feel like I kind of have a love/hate relationship with this website. It was a bit hard getting around in my personal opinion. For some reason I couldn't get mine to work and I had to watch so many tutorials on how to use the website, but then again it could've just been me. One thing I could say I learned from Diigo is keeping hashtags more specific rather than generalizing them so the people you are sharing articles or information with, know exactly what they will be reading about! I think it's a great tool for group work and classrooms as it keeps everybody's work organized in one place for all to see, but I don't necessarily know if I'd be using it again, especially since it took me a while to figure out how to use the extension and stuff!

Now about technology and teacher development! Notably, teachers must keep their education systems up to par with the latest technology improvements or innovations. With every year that goes by, I am pretty sure there's always some sort of better way to pursue things that comes about, and frankly enough, teachers must adapt to those things, especially if they know it could facilitate a student's way of learning, or could simply just be of great use to a class, or even to themselves! Of course, one does not just become aware of these things by teacher nature, you have to keep up with them and update yourself with the use of the internet! A great website I found called eLearningIndustry serves as a gateway to all kinds of new and improved resources for teachers and educators! This website was creating as an informative platform for professionals to both share and connect with others in an online community where they can stay up to date the latest things! I'd most definitely be using that if I were a teacher for sure!

And that's about it! Farewell!!! 


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