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I turn everything into what seems to be a written sitcom. Even technology.

Guess who's back? Back again! Paola's back! Tell a friend! 
Hiyaaaa there! Yes it's me again, otherwise known as that quirky girl who definitely writes too much. I really hope you understood my little intro there... if not ummm that's a bit embarrassing lol. Sooooo today I promise I won't be taking up too much of your time because I won't be rambling about myself! Wow that sounded kind of conceded... I promise I'm not haha! Anyways... today we will be talking about... drumroll please... a bunch of fancy stuff about technology! I promise it won't be boring at all :) I like to think I can keep things pretty entertaining... so we shall move on! Come along!

#1 fancy tech thing on our list today is really not so fancy at all in reality... it's just Word! Now I am definitely a Word kind of gal. Think of it as being a Disney Channel kid, or being a Nickelodeon kid. You were either one or the other growing up... and I was in fact a Disney kid, which means I pretty much have superior taste essentially... hence why I've always used Word Doc for everything in life! Disney and Word are totally superior. I kind of touched upon it in my last post but I definitely think growing up being Gen-Z with all of these new technological advancements surging really impacted the kind of education we had, and for me at least, I had to start learning how to work a computer at a very young age. I had a bunch of assignments I would have to type up and I was always using word because we always had Microsoft computers at home and that's the first app I would see on-screen, so obviously it's what I would choose to use! Google Docs seems a bit more complicated to me... and I'm not much a techy person to begin with... so I just stick to what seems easier to me: Word! I also took a bunch of computer classes growing up that were sort of required core classes for students and we'd always use Word so it definitely feels a lot comfier... if you will.

#2 fancy tech thing has actually nothing to do with technology... whoops! It's actually about education woohoo! ISTE Standards for Educators! Now I kind of perceived these to be some excellent guidelines for teachers to follow in cultivating the proper way of learning in order for students to leave their schools actually feeling like a difference was made. Oh wait my bad this actually is a bit correlated to technology... so I wasn't wrong the first time around! Well I'm not going to erase this because authenticity is kinda my thing! Oh I like side-tracking too much... back to square one: ISTE's! The most important one to me seems like the Facilitator. The facilitator is supposed to help the students ease their way into learning strategies, using technology, solving problems etc. Key word: Nurture. Children don't have it in them to make it on their own in school life... they need training wheels per say, and the teachers must act as those wheels... preparing them well enough until they can take those training wheels off, act more independently, and ride a bike on their own! Wow that was a pretty good metaphor if I may say so myself... that deserves a pat on the back :)

And lastly but certainly not least.. CONTESTANT #3! *Insert crowd screaming and roaring* Digitalll Nativessss!!! Wait Pause. I need a refresher. Ok got it. We can proceed. *Insert crowd screaming and roaring again* Digitalll Nativessss!!! I'm a digital native as the younglings might say or whatever. Digital Natives are essentially the people who grew up with any kind of fancy technology... "the digital age" as some might say. Digital immigrants are actually the complete opposite... (ya don't say Sherlock). Honestly I think were at a point in time where these terms are quite insignificant. My dad would technically be a a digital immigrant... but lookie lookie... he's literally an Information Technology Consultant. All he does is stare at a a bunch of random numbers on a computer every. single. day. I'm supposed to technically be better at him with the techy stuff since I am younger and grew up during the "digital age" but that is definitely NOT the case as a I still struggle to even turn on my computer some days. Being a called Digital  Native sounds so shallow really. Honestly I feel like everyone who's not a Gen-Z just thinks we're on our phones or computers every hour of the day. I don't know of I was born in the wrong age or what because my teachers that have all been under 40 years of age have always beat me in the race of who uses technology better. SO in conclusion... I think these terms are all a bunch of mumbo jumbo and it really depends on the person and their access to technology, their willingness to learn more about it, and honestly if they even care or feel the need to use it! I will say... technology just keeps surprising me every day. Last night I watched a show with my family where there was a man driving, and the car AUTO-PARKED! Yes you heard me... AUTO-PARKED! I did not know that was a thing until yesterday... and I just know if I ever end up teaching... my students will have to be the ones helping me in class with all of their fancy tech things!

Well that was it for today's grand ole episode! I hoped you enjoyed the ride :) Next time... I suggest you bring a snack or two... because I promised I wouldn't write a ton... and I unintentionally broke that promise teehee... MY BAD! So yeah ummm outros are honestly the awkwardest things ever... I have no idea what to say... so maybe let's start with: nothing. 


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