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What the heck is a quaranTEEN?!

Hello there! My name is Paola and I'm a quaranTEEN, unfortunately. "A quaranTEEN?" you may ask... yes, precisely. It's pretty self-explanatory, unless you've been living under a rock for the past 10 months. I'm nineteen years old, and just when my life was about to get started... Covid decided to ruin most of everything we loved or were looking forward to... for me it was seeing Harry Styles in concert, prom night, graduation... OH and ummm going to college perhaps? Yes, I've been stuck at home this whole time, and I have yet to actually go to Florida State and be on-campus for more than a day. It really does suck but... what can ya do! The first and last time I visited FSU was for my dance audition, which obviously went well because... here I am! And if you're wondering why in the world a dance major is taking a computer class... well long story short, I'm not a dance major anymore! Covid kind of ruined that too for me, but it's okay because I still take ballet classes all the time, and I get to pursue something I'm super passionate about and looking forward to a professional career in, which would be English (specifically editing, writing, and media)! I've just now realized that I've been complaining about Covid an awful a lot during what is supposed to be my introduction paragraph... so I'm gonna steal the spotlight for a quick sec if you don't mind! Back to square one. My name is Paola Michelle, I'm a ballet dancer, Directioner, and Potterhead first, human second. If you don't know what a Directioner nor Potterhead is... I suggest you get to googling ASAP! I'm a super bubbly person! "Smiling is my favorite", as my idol Buddy the Elf once said. I love smiling and making others smile! I'm actually a very shy person too, but I always try my best to be as authentic as possible, as it's something my generation tends to lack these days. I love journaling, doodling, and lettering so much, and I'm in the works of starting my own small business where I'll sell merchandise I design inspired by the things I love most! I'm probably the biggest High-School Musical and Mamma Mia fan there is to ever live and a HUGE Disney nerd. I'm a lover of many things yeah yeah we get it. Sorry I don't mean to bore you with all my babbling, I'm Sagittarius I can't help it! Anyways ummm, I should probably get on to the other things I'm supposed to talk about before I run out of space teehee. Jeez I do talk a lot... look how big this paragraph is!                

Despite my dad being an information technology consultant... I actually suck when it comes down to anything techy if I'm honest. I'm a very old-fashioned girl... some might even say I have an old soul indeed. I am a fast learner though, and if I'm taught well how to complete specific tasks, I'll be able to do them quite well, as I am also a mega perfectionist. Growing up in my generation, as time went by, school slowly started evolving to become a bit more techy. So yes, I am familiarized with using basic tools like PowerPoint, Word, and I used Excel to make a spreadsheet for a project once but I don't think I specifically remember how to use the app, but I can learn again! I've always preferred doing everything by hand in school though I had the option to do these things on a computer, it just felt easier and I could manage my work more efficiently even if it took longer. I did take required computer classes in elementary school... but those are ancient history if you ask me.

Personal learning networks? Ummm to be completely honest... does Instagram count? I guess it would because I do inform myself on important matters through there, so yes, Instagram. Even twitter and Tik Tok I would say! YouTube for sure I think is one of the best tools ever invented and probably the platform I spend the most time on when I'm trying new things out and learning in general. Gmail is a pretty obvious one but where would we be without it of course! And off-line I guess I would say maybe news networks on the TV and magazines of the sort... they always keep the world updated... even though some of the stuff reporters say might be falsified information ummm we don't need to go there hahaha. And of course, how could I forget my favorite of all! BOOKS! I'm a huge bookworm and I will forever stand by the statement that any good read could truly change your life. So that about sums it up!

I probably wrote too much honestly... but this was oddly refreshing in a way... it felt like I was having a conversation with somebody, even though it's literally me in my bed staring at a computer screen just voicing everything that's coming straight from my brain and typing it up... I guess my cardboard cut-out of Harry Styles and whoever reads this will have to dread my babbling until I meet new people... in-person hopefully. Who knows at this point, I don't that's for sure!

Well that's all for now folks so until next time I guess... bye bye!


        "Harry Styles Live on Tour in Nashville" by itsloutual is licensed under CC BY 3.0


  1. Hi Paola! I'm so sorry to hear about how you haven't been able to be on campus :( but on the bright side you still have 3 more years to look forward to and eventually, one day, you'll be sick of being on campus!! It's also unfortunate to hear about how you had to drop your major, but I'm glad to hear you picked up something else you're passionate about! Good luck to you on your first year, I know you'll love FSU regardless! :)


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