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Too much coffee!!!

Hey y'all! So we meet again Buzz Lightyear... FOR THE LAST TIME!!!

Umm please excuse my Toy Story reference, I'm on quite the rush right now, I've had 3 cups of coffee and I can feel the caffeine running through my veins. Literally. Referencing movies is a total daily norm for me... but including one in an assignment for school? Definitely something only hyper Paola would do. Am I gonna delete it though? Nope. Moving along! Let's get right to it, shall we?

So Twitter! Such a fun place! My first ever social media! I remember the whole reason why I ever got it in the first place was to keep track of anything and all things One Direction... is that still the only reason why I use it... mmm the world may never know! In all seriousness, Twitter is such a great platform for meeting and connecting with people, just as Tik tok is too! I think things travel faster through twitter and somehow has better communication means I guess! On my professional twitter account I've followed a bunch of people already that are currently involved in the career path I'd like to follow once I graduate, that being in the entertainment industry! It's so important to have connections and know people who work in the industry in order to give your career that little push it needs to take off! I love following these accounts because they provide me with such beneficial information about my career choice and how exactly to go about it. Twitter i such a great place to meet people, after all, it's always good to receive a little help, some tips and tricks here and there on how to succeed with what you do in life... especially if they are trained professionals and have experiences that could be of the utmost service to you!

The digital divide! Honestly hearing about the percentages of both students and teachers who lack the proper materials to seek a fulfilled education while living in the 21st century, where pretty much everything has become SO TECHY... was so mind-boggling to me. I figured since now technology has become such a vital aspect in all of our school lives... you know maybe the school system would be able to supply those in need with these specific materials, but sadly enough, it'd be way too costly... which makes me wonder... why on earth have we been leaning more towards doing/turning in assignments online, when a big chunk of people can't even afford that possibility! Disregarding the pandemic at all costs, I think this digital divide needs to be worked on ever more so... it's completely unfair in my opinion that any student should be deprived of their education just because they don't have the technological means that would allow them to succeed in our current school system. Honestly, I am no government official, and I don't exactly know how things work about certain situations regarding the public at large... but I'd change some things around just so everyone has an equal chance at prospering educationally.

Academic software's! Now personally, if I were a teacher... I'd totally use Kahoot! I loved when teachers would use Kahoot to quiz us because it's just such a fun way of learning! Playing games and creating fun ways of memorizing and studying is the best way for young students to actually get a hold of the material they are working on! I'd also use Edmodo! I'm so very familiarized with the app because it's been around ever since I was in the 5th grade! Baby I know! Anyway, the app is such a great and helpful tool that allows you to keep in touch with your students, sending them reminders for assignments, important dates to remember, and even having group discussions! Such a nice way of interaction that's education-friendly!

I have been Paola Alburquerque, and this has been my fifth blog post. Keep in touch for more! Stay cool! Peaceeeee


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