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Toy Story 3


It can't be. Already? Wow. Time does fly. Or maybe I'm just making a fool of myself and there's actually a couple other left. Who knows. I guess we'll find out next week lol! 

SO on today's agenda: Data collection, my classmate's blogs, and technology skills I'd like to learn in the future! 

Surveys, well. I don't think I will end up being a teacher, but in the case that I do, I'd probably use surveys to tracks my students' moods everyday. It doesn't hurt to keep in touch with them and their feelings. Since I would be the administrator, I'd be the only one with access to all of my students' answers, and that way I can regulate how I treat the class day by day, whether to make it more fun and uplifting if some kids need a bit of a pick me up, of course, sticking to a traditional educational curriculum, just a bit more fun by playing games and winning candy and such... or if we can just continue with doing a regular ole PowerPoint! I think it's important to establish that your classroom is a safe space and your students can depend on you at any given moment for anything during school hours. Your classroom is like their 2nd home, I would make it worthwhile and have them look forward to being able to let me know how they're feeling that day, because they'll know that no matter what, it'll be okay in my classroom!

As for my classmates blogs lol... I found it weird how pretty much everybody spoke very formally and just tried to get the assignment over with as quickly as possible by getting straight to the point and doing quite literally the bare minimum, which is what you're told to do (4 sentences hahaha) and I'm over here... writing like 3 paragraphs and genuinely blogging, side tracking towards other topics to make the post more interesting, rambling, and just having fun with the blog! Two different kinds of people in the world let me tell ya. The rest of college students... and me. I quite liked how simplistic everybody else's blogs were... I'm just a very detailed person, and quite the perfectionist as well, so if I'm gonna o it something... I'm gonna do it right! I'm also very creative and I would just describe myself as a colorful person... which translates into my wording as well because it's a bit out the box, fun, spontaneous, and entertaining? I hope so HAHAHA. 

And lastly... I think I'd like to start properly adapting to all of the apps on my computer to begin with. That's a starter. I'm not a techy person at ALL. I actually quite literally suck at PowerPoint... with a Capital S. It's gotten better with practice but I still fumble on it all the time and often find myself googling tutorials on how to fix and do random things and work with features I never even knew about! Same goes with Word, and I've been using that thing since before I could properly say SUPERCALIFRAGTALISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS! Don't even get me started with Publisher and Excel. Those are literally foreign to me. ALIENS. But yes... I just want to become a bit more Tech Savvy with the basics first.

Omg. Is this goodbye? I'm gonna cry. THIS IS LIKE WHEN ANDY SAYS GOODBYE TO ALL THE TOYS BEFORE HE GOES AWAY TO COLLEGE IN TOY STORY 3. Well what a ride. This was super fun. I think I have a newfound love. Might start my own blog for funsies. Don't know if anyone will read it but ah! Who cares! 

Anyways, thanks for sticking around and letting me ramble. You're the best if you're reading this. So long partner! 

Paola out <3


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