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Toy Story 3

 OH MY GOD. IS THIS THE LAST BLOG? It can't be. Already? Wow. Time does fly. Or maybe I'm just making a fool of myself and there's actually a couple other left. Who knows. I guess we'll find out next week lol!  SO on today's agenda: Data collection, my classmate's blogs, and technology skills I'd like to learn in the future!  Surveys, well. I don't think I will end up being a teacher, but in the case that I do, I'd probably use surveys to tracks my students' moods everyday. It doesn't hurt to keep in touch with them and their feelings. Since I would be the administrator, I'd be the only one with access to all of my students' answers, and that way I can regulate how I treat the class day by day, whether to make it more fun and uplifting if some kids need a bit of a pick me up, of course, sticking to a traditional educational curriculum, just a bit more fun by playing games and winning candy and such... or if we can just continue with d...
Recent posts

What day is it again?

 Hello! I feel like it's been FOREVER since I've blogged! Huh. Weird. I find it so bizarre how I've literally just lost all perception of time over quarantine. A week feels like 3 days and 3 days can sometimes feel like a week! It's either that or I literally don't even know what day, or even month it is for that matter. Anyways... moving swiftly along! Websites! I actually really enjoyed creating my website! It was the second one I had ever made, and though I am not the techiest person, and adjusting to new tools like Weebly can take a bit of time for me, I love being creative and just designing in general! So I found this assignment to be oh so resourceful! I loved being able to center my website around something I'm very experienced with, that being Dance, therefore I was able to make the website as professional as possible taking after my dance teachers in high school of course, and all of the things they did for our class, like assignments, events, and what...

Techy things!

^Class Website  Hey there! We're back and better than ever! Blog journal #7 let's jump right right into it shall we :D So for classroom websites I found a pretty neat one that seems to be a great example of a website I'd find exemplary to have as a teacher in the future! Here it is! The website displays an assortment of awesome things and learning tools that are organized for easy access to students and/or parents! On the website you can find, weekly newsletters, student learning bloggings, fun activities and challenges, special events/important info to keep up with, research resources, assignments, books to explore, designated topics for each day of the week... ex: Monday Readings, Wednesday Math, Quick-write Fridays etc. The website is so easy to navigate and I love how engaging it is by promoting these fun learning interactions like math and reading challenges! The student blog posts are also a huge plus because every student has their own and the parents of said studen...

Passion for Pinterest, Angel Numbers, and Inception?

 Hiyaaaaa there! Week 6... hanging on by a thread! But we'll make it, right?  I asked you guys a question as if I'd be getting a response back... lol umm ok.  Anywhooo... omg it's 11:11! I need to make a wish hold that thought. Made it! Okay haha, I have this weird thing I do where I have to pause and kind of manifest something anytime I see an angel number... does it work? The world may never know. But I still do it for funsies! As I was saying... today we shall speak about Diigo, Web 2.0 tools, and blogging! Woah I'm currently blogging and I'm about to blog about blogging... INCEPTION AT ITS FINEST. Okay 1st contestant is Diigo! Funnily enough I had never heard a peep about this website until it was mentioned in class... in my opinion I don't know why it seems a bit... ancient to me... for lack of better words hahaha! I don't know! I feel like it looks like a website my dad would use for his job as an Information Technology Consultant... and you can see th...

Too much coffee!!!

Hey y'all! So we meet again Buzz Lightyear... FOR THE LAST TIME!!! Umm please excuse my Toy Story reference, I'm on quite the rush right now, I've had 3 cups of coffee and I can feel the caffeine running through my veins. Literally. Referencing movies is a total daily norm for me... but including one in an assignment for school? Definitely something only hyper Paola would do. Am I gonna delete it though? Nope. Moving along! Let's get right to it, shall we? So Twitter! Such a fun place! My first ever social media! I remember the whole reason why I ever got it in the first place was to keep track of anything and all things One Direction... is that still the only reason why I use it... mmm the world may never know! In all seriousness, Twitter is such a great platform for meeting and connecting with people, just as Tik tok is too! I think things travel faster through twitter and somehow has better communication means I guess! On my professional twitter account I've foll...

A not-so-peppy Paola

 Hi there! We're back in business! First blog post of the month wooohoooo!  I'm actually genuinely drained haha! But it's okay I'll push through :) It's been quite rough recently motivation-wise, so you won't get to read all that extra babble my working brain likes to just spit out for fun and my witty sarcasm, not to mention my exceptional entertainment skills... because my brain is quite fried! But still here we are... plain and simple just keeping up with my work! Onto the assignment let's go! Technology standards! I chose the second grade because I'd love to teach elementary school kids! This specific standard talks about how students must use all of the knowledge they collected from pictures and words in digital texts/books in order to demonstrate their understanding of the story and its details. This standard leans towards, but is not limited to: online storybook readers, online poster creators, online comic strip creators etc. In my opinion, this ...

A little less babble, a little more tattle.

 HEYOOOO!!! Paola's in the house!!! Can I get an OWA OWA!!! Ok stop... note to self: try to be less cringey. Got it. Moving swiftly along... Today I will legitimately try to not right as much. I just get so carried away with myself and I start babbling like there'd be no tomorrow and I have to just vomit out every single thought that's living rent-free in my brain. But that's not the case because we will have tomorrow, and we will certainly have many more blog posts... so from now on I'll try my best to space out my babbling in a progressive manner that might be a bit less annoying. Thoughts? Yes. I completely agree. Glad we're on the same page... but one thing you should know about me is that I'm really good at breaking the promises that should be broken.  I failed. I'm babbling. UGH JUST LET ME BABBLE!  On a more serious note... COPYRIGHT! Now what is it exactly? Well to put it simple it's kind of like this permission slip that safeguards people...